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'Connecting Communities with Nature' Commitment

Written by Test | Mar 30, 2021 11:14:00 AM

At the start of 2021, we developed a commitment to connecting communities with nature which is underpinned by creating places where people can experience the benefits of green space.


Our 'Commitment to Connecting Communities with Nature' is an overarching statement of intent outlining the commitment of current and future Northstone developments, aiming to improve the natural capital assets of the area.


We will:


Strive to voluntarily increase biodiversity on our sites by ten percent for the benefit of local residents and wildlife.

Support local wildlife by incorporating bat boxes, swift boxes, hedgehog-friendly fences and refugia into our plans, ensuring site layouts facilitate the movement of local wildlife.

Implement an extensive Landscape Design Code for each site, incorporating hedgerows, trees and evergreen perennial shrubs.

Enhance existing urban woodland and ponds where possible.

Follow best practice in habitat management and aim to maintain local distinctiveness by using where possible plants that occur locally.

Aim to build a habitat network throughout the built environment, providing residents with frequent interactions with nature and its associated health benefits.

Integrate sustainable urban drainage schemes, where appropriate, that benefit local wildlife as well as improving water management.

Increase access to nature where possible by incorporating health walks and play areas throughout our schemes.

Provide wildlife education boards for residents at interesting points around our sites.