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Use our £2,000 Community Fund to help local causes, big or small!

Written by Northstone | Mar 11, 2024 1:11:22 PM

We’ve put together a community fund dedicated to  Barrowford, Colne, Nelson and surrounding areas to our Keld neighbourhood.


We’re inviting you to nominate worthy local causes that could greatly benefit from a financial contribution and would enhance the well-being of your community.



This could include revitalising a youth centre with a much-needed garden makeover, rejuvenating a neglected children’s play area, or restoring unkempt and rundown sports facilities. Additionally, nominations may extend to local youth groups such as the Girl Guides, Scouts or church groups who are trying to raise money to enhance their facilities in the community.  Whatever the cause, we want to hear from you!



So how do we apply or make a nomination?


If you have a worthy local cause then fill out our application form and send it to our communities’ manager, Chrissie, before the closing date on 30th April 2024.


Community fund application form:

Download the application form here


E-mail the application form to Chrissie Bramhall below:




What happens next?


Once we’ve received all the applications, our independent team will choose the cause we think is most in need – and will contact the chosen applicant. Once we've spoken to the applicant and arranged the funds, we'll announce it on our social media and in the local press.


Have any questions? Pop Chrissie an e-mail at: